Stress Equation

At the stress component, the equations of normal stress (σ) and shear stress (τ) as following below:

Equation 1       → σ = (σx + σy)/2  +  ((σx - σy) cos 2θ)/2 + (τxy sin 2θ)
Equation 2       → τ = - ((σx - σy) sin 2θ)/2 + (τxy cos 2θ)

The equation 1 is derived to θ and make the result equal to zero will be obtained the following stress equation:

Equation 3       → σ1, σ2 = (σx + σy)/2  ±  √(((σx - σy)/2)2 + τxy2)
Equation 4       → τ1, τ2 = ±  √(((σx - σy)/2)2 + τxy2)

σ1 shows maximum normal stress and σ2 shows minimum normal stress. Meanwhile τ1 shows maximum shear stress and τ2 shows minimum shear stress. From stress equation 3 and stress equation 4, Mohr Circle can be made as shown in Figure 1 below. 
Figure 1: Mohr Circle