Maximum shear principle is also known as Tresca principle. Based on this principle, failure happens if the maximum shear stress within a system τmax is higher when compared with the maximum shear stress at yield in a specimen put through to uniaxial tension experiment. Be aware that it is equivalent in text, to the record of the previous principle besides that maximum shear stress is utilized as considerations for comparability as towards maximum stress principle used within the Rankine principle.
Within uniaxial test, maximum shear stress at yield situation of maximum shear experiment provided previous can be
τmax = 0.5 [(SL - SC )2 + 4 τ2]0.5
= SL/2 = Sy/2
The Tresca principle therefore only states that failure happens if the maximum shear stress within a system is much more as compared to half the yield stress in the material (Sy). The maximum shear stress within the system must be determined as previous.
It must also be exciting to verify the implication of this principle upon the situation while a pipe is put through to internal pressure. When the circumferential stress caused by internal pressure (SC) is two times the axial stress (SL) and the shear stress is not caused specifically (τ = 0) the uppermost level of shear stress in the pipe according to the previous provided method could be following below:
τmax = 0.5 [(SL - SH)2 + 4 τ2]0.5
= 0.25 SH
This condition must be fewer as compared with 0. 5Sy based on Tresca principle to get secure design. This results in a various criteria that circumferential tension in a pipe must be fewer than two times the yield stress. The Tresca principle and the design consideration applied in the membrane principle for pipe will be incompatible.